Reflection #3
The internet as a Glocal Discourse environment. A commentary on “Second Language Socialization in bilingual chat room” by Wan Shun Eva Lam and “Second language Cyberhetoric: A Study of Chinese L2 writers in an online use net group” by Joel Bloch.
The Internet as a Glocal Discourse environment. A commentary on “Second Language Socialization in bilingual chat room” by Wan Shun Eva Lam and “Second language Cyberhetoric: A Study of Chinese L2 writers in an online use net group” by Joel Bloch.
This paper analyses the different aspects of Internet roll. This was studied in two articles, which were published by the authors Lam and Bloch. Every aspect referred in this paper gives detailed comment, which are described in both articles comparing opinions from each author, although sometimes they point out in the same direction.
We have to see Internet as an informal space of English learning.
We can develop each author's differences according to what was described on his respective articles, where it was described the English learning model of a chinese group. This group increased his language knowledge but it could develop some mistakes in his correct use, which can be seen in a classroom.
Furthermore, Internet is a space where identities and relationships are established and
built with people that can be socialy isolated like immigrants, besides Internet is seen as a place where it is possible to cooparate with other people.
Finally, Internet is like a place where local and global issues are mixed to origin a variaty of hibrid language, here you can established many different terms that comes from global, which may have an influence on local issues, and many times without losing the identity. We can call to this new term as 'Glocal'.
I think Glocal term is a very nice and good example of how is technology affecting our languages, as future teachers of English, we must know that technology can help us to develop our students skill, however, it also possible to decrease or confuse some linguistic aspects, that Globalization may cause on Local speaking.
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