School Visit to Bridgeport and Brewster.
The visit we did on Tuesday to
Bridgeport and Brewster was a very incredible experience. I really enjoy visiting the classrooms, and interact with the students. Then, I started realizing how different is Chilean school system than the US school system. At the begining I was very excited with the idea of our visit, in fact, I got really surprised when Bridgeport`s Principal said that the school was one of the best because they had lots of awards. I remembered the first classroom we visited It was an English class, and the teacher was reading a story about a princess, and a prince. The most interesting thing here was that he got the students involved in the story that he was telling, and the whole class paid attention to everything.
Brewster was kind of different, I really like to meet the kids doing their homwork BUT I saw some things that I really did not like it, for instance, some children were took out of the class, in order to, have a lesson reinforcement in English. So, as far as I know, those things should be done at the end of the class (because in Chile every extracurricular issue is after class).
Finally, I came up with an idea. It would be a very good experience for spanish prospective teachers here in the US to work with this kids, in order to help them and teach them English. It would be inspiring for them, du to, experiences like this increases our teaching motivation.
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