If Only He Knew…

If only he knew that learning takes place in social interaction, since the first group of students has not acquired English language yet, they need to stay with the other group which is very proficient in English; in order to interact; so they can help each other because the teacher can create situations in which their students can develop social interactions.
If only he knew that English language learners need opportunities for functional use of the language they are developing, and classroom organization plays an important role. He should listen to the teacher, when she is asking him to have only one group; in fact they need each because the first group, which is very slow it is always in silence; and the second group is very noisy, talkative, and participative. Besides, both groups have students around twelve years old and if they work together they will increase their English language acquisition.
According to Rigg and Hudelson (1986) social interaction is critical for effective language learning, they mention some important social aspects of learning:
1. People develop their second language when they feel good about themselves and about their relationships with those around them in their second language setting.
2. Language develops when the language learner focuses on accomplishing something together with others rather than focusing on the language itself. So group activities… are ideal.
Five benefits for group work second language learners:
1. Increases language practice opportunities.
2. Improves the quality of students talk.
3. Helps individualize instruction.
4. Promotes a positive affective climate.
5. Motivates learners.
Finally, if only he knew when students discuss topics in groups, the talk opportunities are multiplied.
Finally, if only he knew when students discuss topics in groups, the talk opportunities are multiplied.
This is a beautiful sentence: "Finally, if only he knew when students discuss topics in groups, the talk opportunities are multiplied." You are very persuasive. You will make a great teacher educator one day.
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