Podcasting My Way to Mastery of English

The podcasts that I found are about different topics, and I chose them because they deal about topics that I like, such as: oil painting, literature, the news, miscellaneous things,recipies and English and some other languages grammar.
In spite of the fact that I like these topics, I chose them because I really believe that I can learn English through content, so it is motivating for me to learn things that I like listening English podcasts about it. They will assist me in terms of increasing some of my literacy skills; for example, listening, growth of vocabulary, and pronunciation. If the podcast is interesting to me, I think I will repeated again; although I do not know how frequently I would do it, since I am very visual person, and listening is kind of boring for me.
This Podcast is about cosmetic surgery, it also has some different topics to hear about.
CNN podcasts that have the most important news.
Since I love pets, the podcasts here give you many topics about your pet, such as, health and care.
Here you can find podcasts about books, short stories, poems,etc.
Here you can find as many podcasts recipies as you want.
Podcasts abput English grammar and some other languages too.
Your rationale is great--choose topics that engage you and learn English through those. It'll work for your students, too!
I like the Pets link....
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